I had the chance to be in Atlanta this past weekend, and WOW what a game! Alabama was just dominant from start to finish and it is going to be a BCS Championship game for the Ages next month!
Oh yea, and Tebow....CRIED on National Television! I LOVE IT!!!
I hear some people saying that "Don't make fun of him, he's just an emotional guy!" You know what, I don't care about that. Yea, it is great that he is an emotional guy and all. It is what drives him to be as great as he is. He wears his heart on his sleeve and all of that. But c'mon, if you are THAT good, if you are the second coming, if you are Jesus himself, if you are the illegitimate son of Chuck Norris, if Superman wears YOUR pajamas, you need to SUCK IT UP AND ACT LIKE A MAN OUT THERE!!!!!!
I don't blame Tebow for all of this hype. In a lot of ways the media built him up to something he cannot live up to, and that is not his fault.
But I LOVED seeing those tears. I cheered. I yelled and screamed when I saw those tears on the TV, and apparently they made it onto the jumbotron in the stadium as well! I loved it. And I loved that it was ALABAMA that did it to him!
Tim Tebow: ultimate SHAD FACE!!!!!
Now, back to the game.
Straight up domination on the part of Alabama. I never made an official blog prediction on the game, but It would have been Alabama 19-16. There was no chance, NO CHANCE that Alabama would be able to control the ball on offense against the nation's top defense not wearing Crimson, and no way they could control that offense. I knew they could contain it, but they completely stopped it! They took away the big play, they got the key turnovers, and on offense, they just controlled the ball. They lined up and said "ok we are running right at you, and now you stop it!" They did not stop it.
I couldn't be happier
Oh, and Mark Ingram is squaely back in the Heisman discussions this week. As well he should be. Heisman's are season awards. You shouldn't be able to lose it with one game (Auburn) but you also shouldn't win it based on one game. He has a fantastic game against Florida, but that shouldn't win it. What should win it is a season of dominance capped off by a final game of dominance.
Same goes for McCoy. Everyone wanted to give him the trophy after the Texas A&M game. Now, no one wants to give it to him after the Nebraska game. Look at his WHOLE SEASON! Is it a worthy season? Absolutely. And anyone that votes for him will be well within their rights to do so. I think Ingram is better and more important to his team that McCoy is to Texas, but I couldn't disagree with a McCoy selection.
Lots of little notes thrown into this post, sorry for that. Hopefully later this week I can have some better posts for you all!
I personally think Suh should be Ingram's biggest competitor (though he's obviously not), not just because of the Big 12 championship, but his entire season as well. Too bad that a)it's basically an offensive award and b)the rest of his team didn't really get the wins to put a lot of attention on him